Saturday, November 19, 2011

Triage of Life

Sometimes you have to walk past certain distresses to attend to others. This is the triage of life. Determining what needs your attention first. Today, mine is quite simple: I walk past the dirty dishes, past the pile of clothes in need of bubbles, right down to the basement studio to scrape off a spot and crank out some glass pendants. (Why? Because they are selling quite nicely downtown, and I want my fans to have plenty of options, lol!)

Anyway! This is what happens everyday to each of us. You may have a set schedule, but even within that are disruptions that need attention. Depending on your personality type, these detours can have the potential of shutting you down.

I believe the key to unlocking them is believing in their existence.
Why are we so extremely surprised when plans HAVE to change? 
 (Now, I am preaching to myself!)

A wise man, (known as my father) once preached a message on how our greatest heartaches in life stem from unrealized expectations. “Expectations lead to disappointments,” he said. It is the truth! We expect someone to respond, act, or do something how we think they should respond, act or do it. Then, we have either minor or major devastations when (guess what) they failed to meet our expectations.

How can we change? Live in expectancy! Live in the hope and joy of watching these crazy incidents and circumstances stack up in just the right way to display our distinctive existence. Clap your hands and shout, “I do believe in interruptions!” So when one slaps you in the face you are not surprised. If your nervous system can start in the peace, then you can determine the order of treatment. This triage becomes a whole lot easier when you have not wasted your time freaking out over the fact that you have been interrupted. Are you ready for today? ;)

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